D&D (assessments, characterization and decontamination)


Facilities Characterization, Decontamination and Decommissioning

Stone Lion personnel can efficiently develop a feasible, cost-effective D&D strategy to reduce risk to all site personnel, review recycling elements associated with the D&D, and reduce the hazardous waste generated by D&D activities. We apply the most effective technologies for decontaminating any DOE facility.

Characterization Estimates

Stone Lion Personnel also have experience in creating cost and time estimates based on characterization results

Sampling for Contamination

Create sampling grid based on random and biased sampling requirements. We can sample for any suspected constituent.

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Training for each employee is guided by OHSA requirements, but are enhanced with additional training including:

Radiation worker II
Confined Space entry
Beryllium awareness
Waste generation
Annual physicals and respirator fit test
Decontamination of DOE Facilities

Once all hazards are identified Stone Lion personnel create a work plan and a HASP to effectively guide the decontamination process. Stone Lion Environmental Decontamination experience includes:

Radioactive Isotopes
Solids and Liquids associated with decontamination project
Confined Space D&D
Hazardous chemicals
Beryllium D&D Experience

Stone Lion personnel recently decontaminated a building at Sandia National Laboratories of beryllium well below the local release limits.
