Environmental Science & Restoration


Stone Lion Environmental is a diverse team of highly skilled professionals with many years of environmental experience. Personnel are proficient within all levels of environmental restoration, environmental site assessments, compliance, and remediation design/construction.

Environmental Science and Investigation

Stone Lion personnel can provide investigative and remediation services for:

Soil and groundwater sampling
Field sample analysis, and interpretation of field / analytical data
Surface water monitoring and sampling for waste water or storm water
Laboratory data validation and Quality Assurance (QA)
Stone Lion personnel have experience with beryllium, asbestos, RCRA metals, PCBs, petroleum hydrocarbons, municipal solid waste, and other contaminants.

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Environmental Site Assessments, Compliance

Phase I and II assessments
Hollow Stem Auger and deep drilling experience
Installation of groundwater monitoring wells.
Remediation System

Pump and treat,
Soil vapor extraction system (SVES)
Dual phase technology
Natural attenuation.
